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Please enter your name!

'; } if (empty ($_POST['email'])) { $problem = TRUE; echo '

Please enter your email address!

'; } if ($_POST['email'] != $_POST['email2']) { $problem = TRUE; $email_mismatch = TRUE; echo '

Your email address did not match your confirmed email address!

'; } if (empty ($_POST['topic'])) { $problem = TRUE; echo '

Please enter a subject!

'; } if (empty ($_POST['message'])) { $problem = TRUE; echo '

Please enter your message!

'; } if (!$problem) { session_start(); if( $_SESSION['security_code'] == $_POST['security_code'] && !empty($_SESSION['security_code'] ) ) { $bad_cap = FALSE; unset($_SESSION['security_code']); } else { $bad_cap = TRUE; echo '

Sorry, you have provided an invalid security code!

'; } } if (!$problem && !$bad_cap) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PERFECT // // ------- // // PHP E-mail Receive Form Electronic Content Text // // File: feedback.php // // Version: 1.6 (April 2, 2004) // // Description: Processes a web form to read the user input and // // then send the data to a predefined recipient. You are // // free to use and modify this script as you like. // // Instructions: Go to "". // // // // Center Key Software * * Dem T. Pilafian // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configuration Settings $SendFrom = 'Form - ' . $_POST['name'] . '<' . $_POST['email'] . '>'; $SendTo = ""; $SubjectLine = $_POST['topic']; $ThanksURL = "thankyou.html"; //confirmation page $Email_Message = $_POST['message']; $Divider = "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; // Build Message Body from Web Form Input $MsgBody .= "$Email_Message\n"; $MsgBody .= "$Divider\n" . $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] . "\n" . @gethostbyaddr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); $MsgBody = htmlspecialchars($MsgBody); //make content safe // Send E-Mail and Direct Browser to Confirmation Page $Spam = count($_POST) == 0 || stristr($MsgBody, "bcc: ") || stristr($MsgBody, "href=") || stristr($MsgBody, "[url="); if (!$Spam) mail($SendTo, $SubjectLine, html_entity_decode(stripslashes($MsgBody)), "From: $SendFrom"); ob_end_clean(); header("Location: $ThanksURL"); } else { echo '

Please try again!

'; } } echo '

Your Name:

Your E-mail Address:

'; if (!$email_mismatch) { echo '

Confirm E-mail Address (Re-type):

'; } else { echo '

Confirm E-mail Address (Re-type):

'; } echo '

Your Subject:

Your Message:


'; ?>