Provide Useful Content for Your Visitors

Yenoba.Com offers content for your site. Display some of our Black History Facts on your site or blog.

Yenoba.Com offers content for your site.
Display some of our Black History Facts on your site or blog.

Are you a webmaster or a  blogger?  If so, why not display daily Black History facts on your website, blog or any other personal page you may have?

  • The Black facts are generated by a php file at this address:
  • An easy way to display the content is by using an iframe.
  • Allow at least 470 X 200 pixels of space for the content.  The actual size of our full display on our calendar page is 470 X 265 pixels.

Copy and paste the code below in the body of your html page.

Here is the html:
This code is set for 470 X 265. You can easily adjust the dimensions to your taste if you so desire. If you have any questions, Contact us.