September 18, 2024              Celebrate Black History Everyday!    

September 18

Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Law as part of the Compromise of 1850 on this date in 1850.

Booker T. Washington delivered his controversial "Atlanta Compromise" address at the Cotton States Exposition in Atlanta, GA, on this date in 1895. Washington told blacks to accept racism but spend their time working hard and improving themselves.

Some 1,000 white students walked out of three Gary, IN, schools in protest of integration on this date in 1945.

The UN Security Council confirmed Dr. Ralph Johnson Bunche as acting UN Mediator in Palestine on this date in 1948. Bunche succeeded Count Folke Bernadotte who was assassinated the previous day.

Dr. Benjamin Solomon Carson, distinguished neurosurgeon and author, was born in Detroit, MI, on this date in 1951.

Jimi Hendrix, famed rock musician, died in London on this date in 1970. Hendrix was perhaps the greatest rock guitarist of all-time.

Kimberly Clarice Aiken, was crowned "Miss America" at the 73rd Annual Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City, NJ, on this date in 1993. Competing as "Miss South Carolina," Aiken became the fifth black woman to win the title.

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