February 12, 2025              Celebrate Black History Everyday!    

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You searched for: "Benjamin Banneker"


1 .   February 7, 1791

Benjamin Banneker, inventor, surveyor, mathematician, and astronomer, began to help lay out Washington, DC, under the supervision of Major Andrew Endicott, IV on this date in 1791.

2 .   April 14, 1789

Benjamin Banneker, inventor, surveyor, mathematician, astronomer, and one of the planners of Washington DC, accurately predicted a solar eclipse would occur on this date in 1789.

3 .   August 19, 1791

Benjamin Banneker, inventor, surveyor, mathematician, astronomer, and one of the planners of what is now Washington, DC, published his first Almanac on this date in 1791.

4 .   October 9, 1806

Benjamin Banneker, inventor, surveyor, mathematician, astronomer, and one of the planners of what is now Washington, DC, died on this date in 1806.

5 .   November 9, 1731

Benjamin Banneker, inventor, surveyor, mathematician, astronomer, and one of the planners of what is now Washington, DC, was born in Baltimore County, MD, on this date in 1731.

6 .   December 12, 1754

Benjamin Banneker, mathematician, astronomer, and inventor, completed the first clock made entirely in America on this date in 1754. Banneker published a yearly almanac and is remembered for helping to survey the land for the District of Columbia.

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