July 27, 2024              Celebrate Black History Everyday!    

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You searched for: "George Washington Carver"


1 .   January 5, 1943

Dr. George Washington Carver, scientist and discoverer of over 300 products from the peanut and sweet potato, died in Tuskegee, AL, on this date in 1943. Carver was commemorated on a U.S. postage stamp on this date in 1948.

2 .   January 10, 1864

Dr. George Washington Carver, scientist and discoverer of over 300 products from the peanut and sweet potato, is believed to have been born on this date in 1864.

3 .   February 15, 1897

Dr. George Washington Carver, scientist and discoverer of over 300 products from the peanut, was successful in getting a Branch Agricultural Experiment Station and Agricultural School at Tuskegee Normal School on this date in 1897.

4 .   April 9, 1990

Percy Lavon Julian and George Washington Carver, pioneer scientists, became the first black inventors elected to the National Inventors Hall of Fame on this date in 1990.

5 .   April 10, 1941

Dr. George Washington Carver, scientist and discoverer of over 300 products from the peanut and sweet potato, developed from the persimmon a drug to treat pyorrhea (a gum disease) on this date in 1941.

6 .   May 7, 1943

The Liberty Ship, George Washington Carver, was launched on this date in 1943.

7 .   September 1, 1896

Dr. George Washington Carver, scientist and discoverer of over 300 products from the peanut and sweet potato, began his remarkable career as a distinguished Agricultural Chemist at Tuskegee Institute on this date in 1896.

8 .   September 4, 1923

Dr. George Washington Carver, head of the Department of Research and Director of the Experiment Station at Tuskegee Institute, received the 9th NAACP Spingarn Medal on this date in 1923 for his distinguished research in agricultural chemistry.

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