July 27, 2024              Celebrate Black History Everyday!    

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You searched for: "Granville T. Woods"


1 .   March 29, 1904

Granville T. Woods, along with his brother Lyates, patented the first of two improvements on Railroad Brakes on this date in 1904. Patent # 755,825.

2 .   April 23, 1856

Granville T. Woods, inventor of over 50 products, was born in Columbus, OH, on this date in 1856. The steam-boiler furnace, the telegraph system for trains, and automatic air brakes were some of his inventions.

3 .   June 3, 1884

Granville T. Woods, inventor, patented the Steam-Boiler Furnace, his first invention, on this date in 1884. Patent # 299,894.

4 .   June 30, 1910

Granville T. Woods, inventor of over 50 products, died in Harlem, NY, on this date in 1910. The steam-boiler furnace, the telegraph system for trains, and automatic air brakes were some of his inventions.

5 .   July 18, 1905

Granville T. Woods, along with his brother Lyates, patented the second of two improvements on Railroad Brakes on this date in 1905. Patent # 795,243.

6 .   November 10, 1891

Granville T. Woods, inventor, patented the Electric Railway on this date in 1891.

7 .   November 15, 1887

Granville T. Woods, inventor, patented the Synchronous Multiplier Railway Telegraph on this date in 1887. Patent # 373,383.

8 .   December 2, 1884

Granville T. Woods, inventor, patented the Telephone Transmitter, his second invention, on this date in 1884.

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