July 27, 2024              Celebrate Black History Everyday!    

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You searched for: "Jesse Owens"


1 .   March 31, 1980

Jesse Owens, winner of four Olympic Gold Medals in Berlin in 1936, died in Tucson, AZ, on this date in 1980.

2 .   May 25, 1935

Jesse Owens, winner of four Olympic Gold Medals in Berlin (1936), broke five world records and tied a sixth in a 45-minute span while running in the Big Ten Championship track meet for Ohio State University on this date in 1935.

3 .   July 6, 1990

Jesse Owens, winner of four Olympic Gold Medals in Berlin in 1936, was commemorated on a U.S. postage stamp on this date in 1990.

4 .   August 9, 1936

Jesse Owens won his fourth Olympic Gold Medal in Berlin on this date in 1936. Owens captured the Gold in the broad jump and the 100, 200, and 400-meter dashes.

5 .   August 10, 1984

Carl Lewis duplicated Jesse Owens' 1936 Olympic record-setting performance of four Gold Medals (100m, 200m, 400m relay, and long jump) in Los Angeles, CA, on this date in 1984.

6 .   September 12, 1913

Jesse Owens, legendary track star, was born in Danville, AL, on this date in 1913. Owens won four Olympic Gold Medals in Berlin in 1936.

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