July 27, 2024              Celebrate Black History Everyday!    

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You searched for: "Marcus Garvey"


1 .   February 8, 1925

Marcus Garvey, Black Nationalist, Pan Africanist, and founder of the United Negro Improvement Association and the "Back to Africa" movement, entered federal prison in Atlanta, GA, on this date in 1925. The Supreme Court refused to review his mail fraud conviction.

2 .   March 23, 1916

Marcus Garvey, Black Nationalist, Pan Africanist, and founder of the United Negro Improvement Association and the "Back to Africa" movement, arrived in America from Jamaica on this date in 1916.

3 .   June 10, 1940

Marcus Garvey, Black Nationalist, Pan Africanist, and founder of the United Negro Improvement Association and the "Back to Africa" movement died in London on this date in 1940.

4 .   August 1, 1920

The National Convention of Marcus Garvey's Universal Improvement Association (founded six years earlier to the day) was opened in Liberty Hall in Harlem on this date in 1920. Garvey presented his "Back to Africa" program during this two-day conference.

5 .   August 17, 1887

Marcus Garvey, Black Nationalist, Pan Africanist, and founder of the United Negro Improvement Association and the "Back to Africa" movement, was born in Jamaica on this date in 1887.

6 .   November 2, 1930

Haile Selassie became Emperor of Ethiopia on this date in 1930. Many Jamaicans and followers of Marcus Garvey viewed his rise to power as prophetic.

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