July 27, 2024              Celebrate Black History Everyday!    

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You searched for: "Muhammad Ali"


1 .   January 16, 1975

Muhammad Ali, three-time World Heavyweight Boxing Champion, was named as the Associated Press (AP) 1974 "Athlete of the Year" on this date in 1975.

2 .   January 17, 1942

Muhammad Ali, activist and three-time world heavyweight boxing champion, was born in Louisville, KY, on this date in 1942.

3 .   February 25, 1964

Casius Clay, boxing legend, changed his name to Muhammad Ali after converting to Islam on this date in 1964 immediately after winning his first heavyweight title (KO of Sonny Liston, round seven).

4 .   March 20, 1976

Muhammad Ali helped secure the release of former middleweight boxer Rubin "Hurricane" Carter and friend, John Artis, from a New Jersey prison on this date in 1976. They served nine years for allegedly killing three people in a Paterson, NJ, tavern.

5 .   April 28, 1967

The WBA and the New York State Athletic Commission stripped Muhammad Ali of his World Heavyweight Boxing title for refusing to enter the Armed Forces on this date in 1967.

6 .   June 20, 1967

A Houston, TX, federal court convicted Muhammad Ali of violating the Selective Services Act by refusing induction into the Armed Services on this date in 1967. Ali, a Vietnam War opponent, refused induction on grounds that he was a Muslim minister.

7 .   June 28, 1971

The Supreme Court unanimously overturned the draft evasion conviction of Muhammad Ali on this date in 1971.

8 .   September 15, 1978

Muhammad Ali beat Leon Spinks in the New Orleans Superdome and regained his WBA World Heavyweight Boxing Championship title on this date in 1978. Ali then became the first three-time heavyweight champion. He also received the UN "Messenger of Peace Award" on this date in 1998.

9 .   October 30, 1974

Muhammad Ali defeated George Foreman to regain the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship in Kinshasa, Zaire, on this date in 1974. This legendary fight was dubbed the "Rumble in the Jungle."

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