July 27, 2024              Celebrate Black History Everyday!    

Your Search Results
You searched for: "Shirley Chisholm"


1 .   January 25, 1972

Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to Congress, opened her historic campaign for President on this date in 1972.

2 .   January 29, 1969

Shirley Chisholm successfully fought against her appointment to the House Agriculture Committee and her assigned subcommittee on this date in 1969. Chisholm stated that these appointments had little relevance to issues that concerned her Brooklyn constituents.

3 .   November 5, 1968

Shirley Chisholm (NY) and Louis Stokes (OH) were elected to Congress on this date in 1968. Chisholm, who represented Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, became the first black woman in Congress. Louis Stokes is the brother of Carl Stokes, a Cleveland mayor.

4 .   November 30, 1924

Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to Congress, was born in Brooklyn, NY, on this date in 1924.

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