July 27, 2024              Celebrate Black History Everyday!    

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You searched for: "Sojourner Truth"


1 .   January 30, 1787

Sojourner Truth (Isabella Baumfree), preacher, abolitionist, speaker, and women's rights advocate, was born a slave in Hurley, NY, on this date in 1787.

2 .   February 4, 1986

Sojourner Truth (Isabella Baumfree), preacher, abolitionist, speaker, and women's rights advocate, was commemorated on a U.S. postage stamp on this date in 1986.

3 .   May 29, 1851

Sojourner Truth (Isabella Baumfree), preacher, abolitionist, speaker, and women's rights advocate, spoke to the second Black Women's Rights Convention in Akron, OH, on this date in 1851. Truth delivered her famous speech, "Ain't I A Woman?"

4 .   June 1, 1843

Sojourner Truth (Isabella Baumfree), preacher, abolitionist, speaker, and women's rights advocate, began her journey to help escaped blacks find housing and work in the North on this date in 1843.

5 .   July 4, 1997

The Sojourner robot rover, aboard the Mars Pathfinder, landed on Mars on this date in 1997. Valerie Ambroise, a Bridgeport, CT, honor student named the rover in honor of abolitionist, Sojourner Truth.

6 .   November 26, 1883

Sojourner Truth (Isabella Baumfree), preacher, abolitionist, speaker, women's rights advocate, and author of "Ain't I A Woman?" died in Battle Creek, MI, on this date in 1883.

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